Towards Efficient and Sustainable University Buildings

Med-EcoSuRe (Mediterranean University as Catalyst for Eco-Sustainable Renovation) has successfully concluded the first year of its implementation period. In the new edition of the newsletter, we highlight the milestones that the project has met so far. Med-EcoSuRe will set up tools and strategic plans to implement innovative and eco-sustainable energy renovation solutions for university buildings in The Mediterranean. |
Newsletter ISSUE #2 December 2020
Med-EcoSuRe, What is the project about ?
Watch the video “Med-EcoSuRe at a glance” for an overview on the scope, objectives, and beneficiaries of the project

Series of webinars fostering effective energy renovation in Mediterranean universities
Due to the global spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in order to overcome the impossibility of the physical meetings to implement the activities foreseen by the project, a series of webinars was organized to launch the project’s Living laboratory MED beX.live (University Buildings as a Living Experience). Five webinars were organized while covering interconnected themes on eco-sustainable university renovations in the Med-Area. ENICBC projects were involved in the webinar series in order to share knowledge and best practices on topics focusing on the energy rehabilitation of university buildings. The series of webinars was concluded with valuable results and recommendations fostering effective energy renovation in Mediterranean universities.

Building skills on energy performance of university buildings through a series of online courses
The project launched, on the 22nd of October 2020, an online course on the evaluation of energy performance of existing university buildings. The course is conducted by the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design at the University of Campania, Italy, and involves undergraduate and postgraduate students from the National Engineering School of Tunis (Tunisia), An Najah National University (Palestine), University of Florence (Italy) and the University of Campania (Italy).
Through a series of theoretical lessons and practical workshops, the online course will propose actions to improve the performance of the thermal systems and decrease their energy consumption.
Reinforcing synergies with Co-Evolve 4BG project
A collaboration agreement was signed on October 27, 2020 between Med-EcoSuRe and Co-Evolve4BG projects under the high patronage of Ms. Akissa Bahri, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia. The agreement aims to unify expertise, skills and data for institutions, universities and scientific research centers in Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Lebanon and Palestine.
Spreading the EU actions among youth and citizens in Europe day: Med-EcoSuRe was present
Med-EcoSuRe was invited by the Europe Direct office to participate in a webinar, on May 7th 2020, with the aim to raise awareness of cooperation between EU (European Union) and MPCs (Mediterranean partner countries) in the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre, as coordinator, presented the project, highlighted the cross border cooperation and its influence on the development of the Mediterranean region, and discussed the opportunities offered.
Med-EcoSuRe showcased at 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process
Med-EcoSuRe has been selected by the co-presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) to be showcased, among other successful Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, during the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process/5th UfM Regional Forum, which was held on November 24th – 25th, 2020.
The participation in this event was through:
- A working session on the role of civil society in the face of the main challenges encountered which are environment and climate change, gender equality and social inclusion;
- An online exhibition, based on communication materials, highlighting the achievements of the project.
#EnergyEfficiency #RenewableEnergies #Mediterranean #Universities #ENICBCMED #GOMED

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre (MEDREC) and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union of the programme management structures.